A Message From Our (former) President

Welcome to this website! I hope while visiting you will find current information to guide you in a number of areas, which are self-explanatory. As you view the calendar, you can clearly see that for a little shul of some 50-60 member families there is quite a bit to do on a regular basis. The synagogue board members, who meet once every other month, work to create a warm, haimish feeling into everything offered.

Speaking personally, the Bottner family is pleased and honoured to serve on behalf of our shul. Our hope is to encourage greater meaning, spirituality and fulfillment for Judaism, in addition to a love and support for Israel. Our Rabbi and Rebbetzin Gurkow also work very hard on your behalf to provide leadership in these areas. So don't be shy, too tired, or indifferent, come participate on a daily or weekly basis and be proud of your Jewish heritage with others who are like-minded. L'hitraot!

Jack Bottner Jack Bottner

Former President, Congregation Beth Tefilah.

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Page last modified on September 23, 2022, at 06:21 AM